Leading Remotely

Leadership is all about enrolling people behind an inspiring vision, whilst simultaneously putting in place a well-executed plan which delivers on that vision. Leaders must use their drive and determination to move the organisation forward, whilst empowering individuals and teams to collaborate and deliver. The role of the leader is made all the harder when working remotely, without the benefit of face-to-face formal and informal contact.
lumina learning lumina spark participants using splash app and spark profile on mobile phones

Our Leading Remotely solution focuses on raising a leader’s self-awareness and helps them explore their leadership qualities when adapting to a virtual context. Importantly, it helps leaders reflect and plan how to shape the culture of their virtual teams to achieve high performance.

The Leading Remotely programme is ideal for all levels of leadership from junior team leaders up to the C-suite. The colourful and memorable Lumina Spark model is used to help leaders understand the relationship between their underlying leadership preferences and how they actually behave with the team when working in a virtual context. Leaders will benefit from Lumina Spark’s smart data and simple language every step of the way.

Leaders also explore how leading remotely may trigger some of their Overextended behaviours, and what they can do to mitigate these potentially stressful situations.

Leading Remotely is designed for leaders who either work remotely or have team members who do so. It is particularly helpful for leaders who are rising to the challenge of the current global crisis and may not have had the experience of leading virtually before.

The programme will benefit any leader who wants to enhance their virtual leadership style through thoroughly understanding their strengths and leadership blind spots and how these may show up when working remotely.


Understand how your personality shapes your virtual leadership style


Have confidence in your own authentic virtual leadership style


Learn how to maximise your virtual leadership strengths and remove your limitations


Develop executives who add genuine value to your organisation

The latest virtual classroom technology is used to run three sessions, each of three hours duration. Leaders self-assess themselves using the Lumina Spark and Lumina Leader models and have the option of benefitting from feedback from other leaders and staff. These sessions are built on a quantitative analysis of the leader's competencies, supported by a highly customised qualitative narrative. Appealing visual representations of a leader’s qualities and how they may respond when under pressure bring it all to life. All facets of leadership are explored, and analysis turned into actionable development plans to improve performance.

Leaders will receive a further three virtual coaching sessions, supported by access to the Lumina Learning Experience Platform. Leaders set their own development objectives and learn interactively using the Lumina Splash App and our host of e-learning support, all designed to maximise learning transfer back into the virtual workplace.

Experienced Practitioners and designers customise and blend these sessions to form their own unique leadership journey.

lumina learning lumina team working together cooperating
Leaders explore the impact of the virtual environment on their leadership style
Leaders create practical action plans to apply the learnings and become more effective virtual leaders
Leaders understand the impact of the virtual environment on staff engagement and develop strategies for maximising it
Leaders learn how to maximise their influence over other stakeholders and their teams - we call it virtual influence

Lead authentically

Increase influence

Gain commitment

Achieve objectives